many enroll, many leave
The Italian university system is characterized by a level of dispersion of a student is extremely high, which is a specific feature of criticality.
With regard to the irregularities in the studies, the available data indicate that the proportion of students who achieve the title within the legal duration of the degree course is placed a little above 30% of all students enrolled,compared to an average european was about 40% (ANVUR, 2013; OECD, 2014).
I dati che descrivono i tassi di the abandonment of the university indicate a level of non-completion of the cycle of studies for the Italy around 40% of the members while in the countries of western Europe, the figure varies between 21% and 28% (OECD, 2013; Quinn, 2013).
The abandonment of the academic is determined mainly during the first year of study and this aspect of the phenomenon is an object of study widely discussed in the international literature of the field (Harvey, Drew & Smith, 2006; Larsen, Sommersel & Larsen, 2013)
how to counter this phenomenon
A TICE supportiamo studenti universitari utilizzando strategie specifiche che:
- consentono una pianificazione e un monitoraggio frequenti
- migliorando la performance universitaria degli studenti
- risultano fattori altamente protettivi per quanto riguarda il benessere psicologico degli studenti (Ghisi, Bottesi, Re, Cerea, Mammarella, 2016)
Our augmentation surgery provides
- Initial Assessment: una valutazione delle abilità iniziali di apprendimento e studio, del percorso universitario intrapreso, delle soft skills e dell’andamento emotivo dei giovani universitari
- Creazione di un Goal Setting: la definizione di obiettivi prima a lungo e poi a breve termine, coerenti con le proprie specifiche abilità di studio e di organizzazione;
- Daily monitoring the path through the frequency at the centre or Skype calls with the psychologist, or a psychologist reference.
- Strengthening study skills and soft skills, which are useful both in academia and business.

It may happen that university students experience moments of difficulty,
si fermino di fronte a un esame complesso, inizino a procrastinare o provino ansia sociale.
We help each student to overcome the difficulties experienced, through a specific support to the planning of the activities of study and attention to the psychological variables related to it.
Our projects are concentrated in and support the connection of academic goals with the professional ones, in order to develop a realistic plan, motivating and focused on the future.
Our students are active participants: compulsory attendance, assignments, weekly to-do, tasks, research, participation in group discussions and presentations to colleagues.
Le lezioni in gruppo rendono gli studenti consapevoli delle competenze necessarie per affrontare i corsi universitari: scrittura, analisi critica, capacità di parlare in pubblico, lettura approfondita, ricerca, gestione del tempo, pensiero originale e preparazione.
Thanks to the friendly atmosphere,
gli studenti che vivono una sintomatologia ansiosa, che non frequentato un corso da un po’, mostrano una sicurezza maggiore dopo il completamento del nostro percorso e segnalano che l’esperienza è stata divertente e stimolante, aiutandoli a riprendere gli studi.
Le occasioni di confronto tra pari, di pear tutoring e di assistenza reciproca permettono a ciascuno studente di vivere il proprio senso di autoefficacia.
Finding a job can be a very complex task, sometimes daunting, however it is an essential element for building a real independence.
To TICE, we try to help each and every student to acquire all the basic skills required to secure and maintain employment. From the research of the work to the analysis of one's own potential, to the interviews, we offer individual support in a concrete, create groups dedicated to the start-up of innovative ideas.
The process of looking for a job always begins with a question: “What do you want?”
Through support, individualized help, our users, to process and reflect on professional interests, identify opportunities, job matching, and have clear objectives and defined in the phase of research.
We accompany our students while presenting in person to local businesses and agencies, because we recognize the importance of extending the research process over the Internet.

To contact TICE
Responsible for: Iris Pelizzoni
Mobile phone: 331 1045295