Research projects

Since 2012, Tice active, in collaboration with Italian Universities, industrial Doctorates and Phd degrees at the Top Apprenticeship.
The training course was built by common agreement by the company and by the teaching Board of the phd Course involved and includes the frequency of the university courses that the conduct of research activities.
The student is supervised by two supervisors, one academic and one of the company.

If you are interested in nominating yourself or wish to deepen the subject, please write to or call this number

340 0648709


doctoral tice: the past, present, and future


Device technology and learning

IN the COURSE Phd student: Martina Semino The doctoral project has the objective of verifying the effectiveness of virtual reality in the strengthening and rehabilitation of up-motor of the upper limb in the multi-disability, in particular in the...

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metodo di studio2

Organization of the study

COMPLETED Doctorate: Valentina Tirelli research Objective in The research work, realized in the framework of a doctoral program at the top apprenticeship, presents the results of a series of experiments...

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Assessment of skills in preschool

CONCLUDED Dottorata: Monica Cattalini The industrial phd of Dr. ssa Cattalini, done in convention with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, has the aim to investigate the perception of well-being of the family...

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