IN the COURSE Student: Carlo Cavallini, The project has the objective of developing a tool, one of the online groups, assessing their effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of anxiety-depression. Carlo CavalliniDottore in Psychology, Master's degree in...
Read moreResearch projects
Since 2012, Tice active, in collaboration with Italian Universities, industrial Doctorates and Phd degrees at the Top Apprenticeship.
The training course was built by common agreement by the company and by the teaching Board of the phd Course involved and includes the frequency of the university courses that the conduct of research activities.
The student is supervised by two supervisors, one academic and one of the company.
If you are interested in nominating yourself or wish to deepen the subject, please write to or call this number
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doctoral tice: the past, present, and future
Device technology and learning
IN the COURSE Phd student: Martina Semino The doctoral project has the objective of verifying the effectiveness of virtual reality in the strengthening and rehabilitation of up-motor of the upper limb in the multi-disability, in particular in the...
Read moreFeminism is intersectional in psychotherapy: how to recognize the social determinants
IN the COURSE Phd student: Valentina Tirelli, The project of the second doctoral Valentina Tirelli is to verify the level of knowledge of the psychotherapists in relation to social determinants, suggesting a...
Read moreEffects regenerative outdoor therapy with adolescents
IN the COURSE Phd student: Chiara Marks The doctoral project to Clear the Marks has the objective of evaluating the effects regeneration of the setting in the external (outdoor) in intervention programs for adolescents...
Read morePath of emotional support and parent training for parents with autistic children
IN the COURSE Phd student: Monica Cattalini The doctoral project of Monica Cattalini has the objective to evaluate the efficacy of a course of parent training and parent support for parents with...
Read morePromote the welfare of young people and the elderly
IN the COURSE Phd student: Federica Berardo The project aims to investigate models able to integrate the world of the elderly with that of the young people with special educational needs, the purpose...
Read moreSurvey on the teaching based on the fluence for teaching people with Special Educational Needs
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Federica Berardo the first draft of The doctoral Federica Berardo had as objective to evaluate the efficacy and the efficiency of a training based on the fluence for teaching...
Read moreSelf-efficacy, and Dsa: project alive and online
IN PROGRESS Phd: Maria Chiara Bags, The project has the objective to test the effectiveness of an online group for preadolescent boys with DSA to promote the self-esteem and well-being of the school. The...
Read moreEvaluation of the effectiveness of an application that promotes the monitoring of online activities of their children
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Maria Clara Cavallini This doctoral project relates to cyber security, and has won the social Challenges competition: a european competition, which collects the best social challenges and...
Read moreOrganization of the study
COMPLETED Doctorate: Valentina Tirelli research Objective in The research work, realized in the framework of a doctoral program at the top apprenticeship, presents the results of a series of experiments...
Read moreThe reminiscing within the context of atypical development
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Giulia Amorotti conversations diadiche between the child and the caregiver is an important development context (Fivush, 2007; Laible & Song, 2006). The theoretical foundations of this statement is found in the approach...
Read moreMindfulness: the benefits in the age of development
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Eusebia Armenia In agreement with the University of Parma, the research is conducted by dr. ssa Eusebia Armenia. The study, in the phase of bibliographic research, is interested in...
Read moreAssessment of skills in preschool
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Monica Cattalini The industrial phd of Dr. ssa Cattalini, done in convention with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, has the aim to investigate the perception of well-being of the family...
Read moreMotor development in students with BES
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Ilaria Torelli this Is a study that has provided several stages. First creating and then testing of an assessment tool criteriale for students with...
Read moreAdolescents with ASD, social skills and the web
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Giulia Eboli, In agreement with the University of Studies in Parma, the research is conducted by dr. ssa Giulia Eboli. The study explored and analyzed through questionnaires regulatory, levels...
Read moreMethod of study: an approach to evidence-based
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Iris Pelizzoni research Objective The present study proposes a method that is evidence based to acquire and consolidate a study method that is effective and efficient. The goal is to...
Read moreDisorders of Neurodevelopment: a Theory of the Mind, Emotions, and social Skills
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Sara Andolfi research Objective The present study aims to investigate the differences between groups of students with different Disorders of Neurodevelopment with respect to the Theory of the Mind,...
Read moreMethod of study: well-being and academic success
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Francesca Derbe research Objective The research project, realized in the framework of a doctoral program at the top apprenticeship, presents the results of a series of experiments...
Read moreFairy tales interactive and virtual reality: the learning of children with Rett Syndrome
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Samantha Giannatiempo research Objective the Objective of this work is to evaluate if the use of interactive fairytale implemented by means of virtual reality, can help the subjects with the Syndrome of...
Read moreAutoimprenditoria and Disorders of Neurodevelopment
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Silvia Iacomini research Objective The research project has the objective to evaluate the outcomes of an innovative model of autoimprenditoria on young people and adults with disorders of the...
Read moreWe think about the future: what do you want to do?
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Eleonora Villani research Objective The research project had the objective to investigate the theme of orientation to the future, assessing the nature of the hopes and fears to...
Read moreScaffolding and psychologist of the development
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Clear Diaferia The study has the objective of evaluating the process of scaffolding, starting from the operational definition for the definition of techniques for providing help to students with...
Read moreOrtho-therapy and the design of green spaces for psycho - educational and therapeutic
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Giulia Elena Trentini doctoral project has been organized, general Education, related to the educational context of the Italian, on the psychology of development and education (with particular reference to education...
Read moreParent Training Online: children and technology
CONCLUDED Dottorata: Angela Saccà research Objective The research project has the objective to test the effectiveness of pathways parent-training aimed at parents and produced by the online support and...
Read moreTraining psychologists for evidence based practice in childhood and adolescent clinical services
CONCLUDED THE psychological treatments that are based on experimental evidence, there have been effective in the promotion of health and the psychological well-being of adults and children (Chorpita and Daleiden, 2009; Weisz and Chorpita, 2012). The...
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