La psicoterapia è un percorso di trattamento che si realizza mediante una serie di incontri con un professionista psicoterapeuta.
Psychotherapy in Piacenza
Psychotherapy in Correggio
Valentina Tirelli
Psychotherapist, specializing in LGBTQIA+
It is not what happens to you to define who you are, nor how you must feel. I work to provide the tools for self love, self acceptance, and to consciously choose who you want to be regardless of what happens to us in life. And this produces psychological and physical.
Mobile phone: 3493576939
Maria Chiara Bags
Psychotherapist, specializing in EMDR
I strongly believe in the human potential of rebirth and growth, I think, therefore, that everyone has all the resources you need to feel good, but sometimes you lose, and you are in need of a guide, an external eye that can see them, and bring them to awareness.
Mobile phone: 3396485347
Francesca Derbe
Psychotherapist in training
I like to think of the psychological journey as a climbing: sometimes steep, slippery, and hard, sometimes engaging, comfortable, and personal. You can always decide the speed of ascent and / or if you will stop to rest. The only rule is to feel safe.
Mobile phone: 3387891622
Iris Pelizzoni
Psicologa queer (she/her)
Mi occupo di supporto psicologico per persone che appartengono alla comunità Lgbtqia+ (individuali, di coppia e di gruppo, dal vivo e online).
Essere te stessə è il più bel regalo che puoi farti nella vita!
Mobile phone: 331 1045295
Maria Clara Cavallini
Psychotherapist in training
Work to ensure that young people are included at 100% and become aware of your own potential.
Mobile phone: 3294057466
Clear Marks
I strive every day to give my contribution to a team that believes in the benefit of the team work, to create change and development.
Mobile phone:
Federica Berardo
Psychologist, PhD, BCBA
I believe that the paths of psychological support are characterized by a delicate power that is to look at the experiences with new glasses and awareness are different.
Mobile phone: 3396408830
Monica Cattalini
I am committed to be able to look back and discover each time a world is within reach of every child.
Mobile phone: 3405075495
Maria Clara Cavallini
Psychologist, PhD
I strongly believe that the relationship psicolog*- customer is a means of intervention that is strong and unique. Bond, trust and transparency are the key parts of a path toward awareness and psychological well-being.
Mobile phone: 3334310962
Eleonora Villani
Psychologist, PhD
I am committed to ensure that the work carried out with the boys genres, a change to the level of their emotional well-being and school and, above all, that this change is actually received by the family and the school.
Mobile phone: 3929282074
The purpose of psychotherapy is to promote a change that will alleviate
stable, some forms of emotional pain,
to help the person live a better life.
There are many forms of psychotherapy
In the national and international scene there are many forms of psychotherapy.
However, only a few have been subjected to scientific testing and are considered to be effective. The model of cognitive behavioural therapy has been recognized as an effective treatment for many psychological disordersbeen included in many national and international guidelines (e.g. USA, Great Britain, Australia; NCCMH, 2011).
Psychotherapists of Tice are specialized in cognitive-behavioral therapy and each one is trained to treat a particular population of clinical disorders of childhood and adolescence, anxiety disorders, mood, personality), using different methodologies of work, including:
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT):
It focuses on helping people change thoughts, behaviors, and emotional responses to negative as well as guide them in gradual exposure and systematic approach to the situations or stimuli that are feared. Individuals will learn about their own patterns of behavior, to develop the skills of emotional regulation that will enable them to tolerate feelings previously overwhelming and have a better understanding of themselves and of the reasons which lead to choices of life that is more adaptive and healthy.
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
A new form of psychotherapy, with a solid scientific basis, that is part of what is called the “third wave” of cognitive-behavioral therapy (Hayes, 2004). Promotes change and well-being developing skills contact with the present moment, acceptance of suffering as a natural part of life, and commitment to values-based.
EMDR (Eye movement desensitisation reprocessing)
A method of psychotherapeutic structured and standardized which facilitates the treatment of various psychopathologies, and problems both the traumatic events that experiences the most common, but emotionally stressful. The therapy, EMDR has as its theoretical basis the model AIP (Adaptive Information Processing) that addresses the memories are not processed, which can give rise to many problems. Numerous studies of neurophysiological have documented the rapid effects post-treatment EMDR.
A meditative practice that consists in the pay attention to the present moment with an attitude that is friendly and non-judgmentalby helping to mull less on the past and worry less about the future. In the course of the last thirty years, numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of the practice of mindfulness in the clinical field, this Tice we integrate such a practice in the individual routes, to increase awareness through meditation.