Tice è il primo centro di apprendimento in Italia che applica i principi della scienza applicata del comportamento all’insegnamento delle abilità di studio con adolescenti e giovani adulti che sperimentano difficoltà.
Lo studente in fase iniziale necessità di continui supporti e gratificazioni per provare nuovamente piacere nello studio. Un clima positivo, il confronto con altri pari e i frequenti feedback positivi sono alcune delle strategie che vengono messe in atto per riattivare la motivazione dei giovani studenti.
Ogni studente deve diventare in grado di pianificare la propria attività di studio in modo verosimile e compatibile con il proprio livello si attenzione. Per questo vengono insegnate fin da subito strategie di goal setting e automonitoraggio che rendono gli studenti autonomi nelle competenze di pianificazione.
Quando inseriamo un nuovo studente in un programma di studio, il suo livello di attenzione iniziale è molto basso: se lo osserviamo per 15 minuti, di solito, l’attenzione si mantiene per circa 1/3 del tempo. I nostri programmi aiutano lo studente a diventare consapevole delle distrazioni, gestendo l’attenzione in modo attivo.
The autonomy is a skill that you gain gradually.
I nostri studenti studiano 1:1 in fase iniziale per poi partecipare a gruppi studio sempre più numerosi. L’ambiente è simile a quello di una biblioteca interattiva con psicologi esperti sempre a disposizione per supporto, confronto e potenziamento.
Quali le differenze
between Tice and after
The goal of the after school traditional is to perform the tasks, and socialize. Tice is a psychological service that uses scientific methods to promote the welfare of the school. The goal of our professionals is to help each child to improve their self-image and its image as a student. We use homework and study as a means to achieve an objective psychological. For our students to attend an after-school traditional (managed by educators, pedagogues and teachers) often becomes a objective: when the student will become aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and be able to ask for help, be able to attend an after-school traditional.
Because psychologists instead of teachers in specific disciplines?
We have teachers that are specific to each discipline since the scientific literature for evidence that the image that each boy has of himself as a student will affect all the areas of learning. To Tice, we work to show the student how to react when you do not know to perform a task, such as ask for help when he feels he does not succeed, and how to discover their strengths. Teach investigate means for us to to feel every student who is a “good” studentable to learn. No matter the success in a single area, but we care and we support the harmonious development of the student as an active agent of change.
Perché integriamo LO studio con i colloqui psicologici?
Because in this century, the mental health of anyone who is put to the test from the stress and the challenges that society imposes on us.
Become aware of their strengths and weaknesses, learn how to share emotions is a protective factor of fundamental importance.
Don't want to study is only, this is the problem. No commitment. If I had I the chance that he has him. Suffice it to so little. Never does anything.
These are some of the phrases that we have heard over the academic difficulties of the young people that we follow. Integrate the programs of study with interviews psychologists allows us to promote their psychological well-being and emotional.
To contact TICE

Eleonora Villani
Mobile phone: 349 5680438
Email eleonora.villani@centrotice.it
Responsible for: Valentina Tirelli
Mobile phone: 349 3576939
Email valentina.tirelli@centrotice.it