Suppose you have recommended this blog or were looking for autonomy online because you took. In that case, you're living, or you have concluded, by only/ao in pairs, a path of heterologous fertilization.
If you have any questions you can write to francesca.cavallini@centrotice.it
If you have recommended this blog, or if you were looking for in autonomy on-line is because you took, you're living or you have concluded, by only/ao in pairs, a path of fertilization heterologous.
I chose to do the heterologous in front of the sea.
I had thought many times before that occasion, but I attribute that moment, at that sand stuck to my feet and the smell of the sea the date I made the decision.
Back from the sea, I have written in Google: “How to get a child with another woman.”
And I began our journey.
My journey
Travel to the heterologous, in the concrete look like an after-all.
Phone calls and daily drabbles to check success rates, outcomes, attempts, and emotions.
Emotions, but before the emotions, slimy, entangled, and entangling come they, thoughts.
My thoughts
Days and days and ruminating (ruminate: think what could I have done differently in the past) and brood (brood: what will happen in the future) on this blessed y cursed fertilization heterologous.
With the parade of thoughts that used my poor mind as the catwalk.
Thoughts on the ethics of
“¿Will be right to do it, or I will go against nature?”
Thoughts superstitious
“Force of nature may cause adverse events and I'll be punished for this act,”
Thoughts on the identity
“¿But if I do it this way, I am a real mother?”
In short thoughts, thoughts, thoughts.
In my journey I have learned to live with them. From the beginning, I tried to fight them off a fight them, and then I had to accept the idea of them in my mind.
Still, 10 years after my first heterologous, almost nostalgic, I observe them regain position among the list of my concerns.
I like to share these thoughts with you and ask you... what thoughts did you have?

Francesca Cavallini
Psychologist, Founder of the Tice, a Professor at the University of Parma, italy
Por una consulta escrita: Francesca Cavallini