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If you have any questions you can write to francesca.cavallini@centrotice.it
Why is it important to talk with the teachers?
Many families which are well embedded in the Italian schools.
The teachers are welcoming and helpful: so often the moms or the dads do not create formal occasions to talk about the omogenitorialità.
With this blog I want, however, to suggest that every mom/dad as it is very important to create formal occasions (by teachers) of the presentation of the peculiarities of the lgbt parenting.
You must be wondering why?
Because very often, it happens (my daughters happened) that the companions of the class ask questions to which the child does not know the answer.
During the first years of Bice in elementary school, a couple of classmates continued to ask:” but how do you have two moms?” – “How can you do children if there is a dad?”
All of this is right or wrong?
How do you imagine the children were not to anything terrible or rude? They were just curious. At that age, Bice was unable to answer, and then the children's curiosity increased. The frequency of questions about omogenitorialità when it continues it becomes a kind of "micro-aggression" of course not aware of: the children are not bad or aggressive, but the frequency of questions can become challenging to manage. Suffer microaggressions for an extended period undermine the serenity of the child in school. Teachers can intervene by saying to stop with the question. But this does not reduce the curiosity and may not be cost-effective for them to stop. Parents can suggest a response to the child. However, both of these strategies have many weak points.
How can we do that?
The solution that I propose is this. Ask the teachers to talk to families with homosexuality, maybe giving your willingness to be present and tell your story, leaving space for the children to ask questions, and collect their doubts, removing this responsibility to the young ones.

Francesca Cavallini
Psychologist, Founder of the Tice, a Professor at the University of Parma, italy
With Silvia Perini's guidance, she started her Ph.D., which led her to study and work on precision teaching after graduating in psychology. During el doctorate, she had the opportunity to travel to America and know professor Carl Binder, which guided her in studying the principles of ABA in the company's management. Back in Italy, he founded Tice and, since then, has worked on social innovation and applied research combining his most significant interests: university and people.
Por una consulta escrita: Francesca Cavallini