Summer is the perfect time for relax in the family, and massage is one of the most ancient practices and is useful to reduce stress. We will learn in this article how it can be simple and valuable, even with children.
What is infant massage?
The massage itself is nice, but natural techniques allow you to massage the child in the first years of life in a clear and structured way to stimulate her psychomotor development and body awareness and stimulate its interaction with you.
Infant massage is an ancient practice, which, although an ancient tradition, it is only in recent decades that has begun to spread in the West.
Infant massage is a simple technique that every parent can quickly learn and adapt to their and the child's needs, from the first days of life to every stage of growth.
The child's massage is an effective tool through which to strengthen the relationship between the child and the caregiver and has positive effects demonstrated by scientific evidence on the development and maturation of the child's physical, psychological and emotionalLee, 2006).

The massage is intended for children in the first year of life, even if it can be done and carried out even with older children. It is important to emphasize that the message is “with the child” and not “the child”, so it's a moment that requires the active participation of the caregiver and the child. The massage consists of a sequence of movements defined but adaptable to any situation involving the whole body and its components: legs, feet, fingers, abdomen, chest, arms, head, and face.
What are the benefits?

The benefits described by the scientific research are many, but between these, we can highlight:
- the improvement of theinteraction: promotion of bonding and secure attachment, communication-verbal/non-verbal, development of trust, confidence, safety, and involvement of all the senses.
- the stimulation physiological: that is, the circulatory system, the production of hormones and the immune system, coordination and balance, and learning and concentration.
- the relief given: parents may find that massage helps relieve flatulence and colic, constipation, the growing pains and tensions of the muscles.
- favors relaxation and this induces better sleep, states of behavior, of self-regulation, with a reduction in stress hormones.
Before you begin
- You will find a time of the day when you are calmer, create your own space to snuggle up with pillows or blankets. The perfect moment doesn't exist: it all depends on the child's and caregiver's state and needs.
- It is important that the child is in a convenient location and without clothes, so as to stimulate the senses in a global way.
- You can also use the essential oilsnot scented: the oil can make the touch more pleasant for the child.
- You can choose to sing a lullaby, a nursery rhyme or to put a music particular to make the time relaxing and unique within the day.
- It is suggested that sit on the ground, on the grass, on a rug or on the beach, with the leaning back the wall and his legs outstretched, forming a cot central for the child. Right in the circle that you create with your legs placed a soft pillow or a towel with a rise in the level of the nape.
A special touch
- Start working on touch, that is, without massaging, gently bring your hands to every part of his body. Items from the legs, the feet, the trunk, the arms, the hands, and the head.
- Play with the look and learn to understand her and your moods.
- At this point, the touch can also pass to the back, placing the child on his stomach on the right leg, so that it is raised and convenient.
- These moments where he urges the touch or massage may lead to changes in behavioral state or resolve with a cry, the evil in the belly, pass from wakefulness to sleep, or to bring to a crying liberating.
Do you want to be guided and learn this technique?
If you are interested or interested to learn this technique of ancient origin, and you want to be led in the individual movements, contact Martina Semino that will speak to you of the locations of the Tice for parents and caregivers who want to know and practice infant massage.