You are currently viewing Le tappe di sviluppo motorio fine nel primo anno di vita

The stages of motor development end in the first year of life

The book "Pills Neuropsicomotricity"

In questo secondo episodio, Martina Semino, neuropsicomotricità di Tice, descrive le tappe di sviluppo della motricità fine nei primi anni di vita, sottolineando come esista una variabilità inter-intra individuale nella loro acquisizione.

You have doubts or questions, write them in the comments and Martina will shoot a video to answer you. 

Martina Semino

Martina Semino

After his master's Degree in sciences and techniques of preventive and adaptive motor activities, he earned his Master's degree in Behavior Analysis Applied (ABA) first-level and specializes in augmentative alternative communication with new technologies and infant massage techniques. Tice is responsible for supervising and conducting the paths of Neuropsycomotricity.
If you have any questions, write to Martina Semino