Iacomini, S., Vascelli, L., Artoni, V., & Berardo, F. (2020). Strategies to increase on-task behavior and the number of arithmetic facts in a group of adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders. Journal of Clinical and Developmental Psychology, 2(1), 24-47.
Cavallini, F., Sacchetti, M.C., Vascelli, L., & Artoni, V. (2019). The academic network in the field of psychology as a strategy of innovation for nonprofit enterprises. Journal of Clinical and Developmental Psychology, 1(2), 39-48.
Cavallini, F., Carpitelli, A., Corsano, P., & Cihon, T.M. (2019). Entrepreneurship education: The case of the ABA Master at the University of Studies of Parma. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(1).
Cavallini, F., Pelizzoni, I., Diano, A., & Andolfi, S. (2019). Curriculum Based Measurement e metodologie basate sulla fluenza nel potenziamento della lettura: riflessioni su efficacia, efficienza ed economicità degli interventi in bambini con bisogni educativi speciali. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 2, 295-302.
Del Balzo, C., Antonelli, L., Tucci, E., & Artoni, V. (2019). Peer Tutoring e Token Economy per Aumentare Approvazioni e Interazioni Spontanee in Tre Studenti con Autismo. Autismo e Disturbi dello sviluppo, 17(2), 253-269.
Derba, F., Calabretta, T., & Cavallini, F. (2019). Promozione dell’autonomia scolastica attraverso l’utilizzo di social network. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 2, 101-112.
Derba, F., Cavallini, M.C., & Villani, E. (2019). Migliorare la performance accademica in una studentessa universitaria con diagnosi tardiva di dislessia. Dyslexia, 16(1), 99-111.
Derba, F., Cavallini, M.C., Villani, E., & Cavallini, F. (2019). Il goal setting come strategia efficace per “sopravvivere ai compiti”. Risultati di un percorso individualizzato rivolto a quattro studenti adolescenti con Disturbo Specifico dell’Apprendimento. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 2, 303-310.
Musetti, A., Eboli, G., Cavallini, F., & Corsano, P. (2019). Social relationships, self-esteem, and loneliness in adolescents with learning disabilities. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 16(4), 133-140.
Pelizzoni, I., Cavallini, F., Fonticoli, V., & Cavallini, C. (2019). Il ruolo dei genitori nell’utilizzo dei videogame: Una rassegna sistematica. Media education – Studi, ricerche, buone pratiche, 10(2), 212-231.
Pelizzoni, I., Derba, F., & Marchi, C. (2019). Goal setting e self-monitoring: Training per il miglioramento delle abilità di studio. Psicologia dell’educazione, 1.
Pelizzoni, I., Lombardi, B., Sacchetti, M.C., Marchi, C., & Cavallini, F. (in press). Proposta di supervisione per tirocinanti. Public posting e Feedback informativi. Psicologia dell’Educazione.
Saccà, A., Cavallini, F., & Cavallini, M.C. (2019). Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a systematic review. Journal of Clinical and Developmental Psychology, 1(3), 30-44.
Scattolin, A., Artoni, V., Giannatiempo, S., Martino, F., & Berardo, F. (2019). “Protocollo Mirror” per l’Insegnamento dell’Imitazione Generalizzata ad un Bambino con Disabilità Intellettiva. Autismo e Disturbi dello sviluppo, 17(1), 29-49.
Vascelli, L., & Artoni, V. (2019). Aumentare l’aderenza terapeutica in un paziente adolescente con disabilità intellettiva attraverso l’utilizzo di strategie comportamentali. Psicologia della Salute, 3, 137-153.
Vascelli, L., & Artoni, V. (2019). L’insegnamento di richieste per ridurre i comportamenti non appropriati a scuola. Psicologia dell’educazione, 3, 87-101.
Vessels, L., Artoni, V., & Berardo, F. (2019). Improve the transitions between the activities of a teenager with autism through the use of an Activity Schedule. Autismo e Disturbi dello sviluppo, 17(2), 207-220.
Vessels, L., Artoni, V., Cavallini, F., & Berardo, F. (2019). Functional interactions with the process of Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior. Psicologia dell’educazione, 1, 119-129.
- Cavallini, F., Carpitelli, A., & Corsano, P. (2018). Entrepreneurship education: the case of The Master ABA of the University of Parma. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 2.
- Cavallini, F.; Pelizzoni, F., & Dobson, S. (2018). The Psychologist and the DSA. In C. Lucchiari (edited by), The psychologist at the school. A path of practical and theoretical. Padova: libreriauniversitaria.en editions
- Cihon, T., Artoni, V., Cavallini, F., & Corsano, P. (2018). Creating and Sustaining an International Collaboration in Behavior Analysis. Behavior and Social Issues, 27, 71-90.
- Diaferia, C., Artoni, V., & Rollo, D. (2018, June). Scaffolding in teacher-student interaction: an operationalization for evaluation in educational and clinical settings. In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- Petrini, V., Carpitelli, A., & Artoni, V. (2018). Effects of a training motor group on physical activity levels and prerequisites of the social interaction in autism spectrum disorders, and motor coordination. Autism and developmental disorders, 16(2), 225-248.
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- Tirelli, V., & Cavallini, F. (2017). Has something changed?: A reflection on the symptom in the three generations of cognitive behavioural therapy. Psychoanalytic research, 3(3), 67-78.
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- Artoni, V., & Fiorini, B. (2015). Teach the proper use of the answers “Yes” and “No” to a child with autism. Disability Evolutionary, 32, 57-65.
- Casarini, F., & Dobson, S. (2015). Intervention at home for students with reading difficulties: the Potential and limits. Dyslexia, 12(2), 189-201.
- Casarini, F., Berard, F., & Cavallini, F. (2015). Improve the italics together. A technique of teaching evidence-based to automate the tying of the characters in italics. Difficulties of learning and teaching inclusive, 3, 187-194.
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- Tirelli, V., Casarini, F., & Cavallini, F. (2014). The effects of the integration of the Bedtime Pass a procedure of extinction active in the treatment of a little girl of 9 years with night awakenings. Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral, 20(2), 237-248.
- Tirelli, V., Cavallini, F., & Casarini, F. (2014). Homework: a means of collaboration between school and home. Psicologia dell’educazione, 8(1).
- Fabio, R. A., Giannatiempo, S., & Carmona, P. (2013). Dialog: the communicators of the new generation. Vivirett, 65, 31-32.
- Cattivelli, A., Cavallini, F., Tirelli, V., Berardo, F., Maffini Air, N., & Perini, S. (2012). Perspectives in education through a clinical approach: the contributions of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy in the case of a boy with social anxiety. Psychotherapy, Cognitive and Behavioral, 18.
- Cattivelli, A., Tirelli, V., Berardo, F., Cavallini, F., & Perini, S. (2012). Promoting Appropriate Behavior in Daily Life Contexts, Using Functional Analytic Psychotherapy in Early-adolescent and adolescent Children. International Journal Of Behavioral Consulting and Therapy, 7(2-3), 25-32.
- Dobson, S., Cavallini, F., & Perini, S. (2011). Precision teaching and words of frequent. A happy marriage in order to promote the speed of reading in a child diagnosed with dyslexia. Dyslexia, 8(1), 67-79.
- Cavallini, F., Casarini, F., & Tirelli, V. (2011). The historical evolution and the methodology of Precision Teaching. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 9(3).
- Fabio, R. A., Giannatiempo, S., Oliva, P., & Murdaca, A. M. (2011). The Increase of Attention in Rett Syndrome: A Pre-test/Post-test Research Design. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 23(2), 99-111.
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- Casarini, F., & Cavallini, F. (2010). Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction. New technologies for the traditional school. Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis, 23-37.
- Cavallini, F., Berard, F., & Perini, S. (2010). Mental retardation and reading rate: effects of precision teaching. Life span and disability, 1, 87-101.
- Cavallini, F., Berard, F., & Picky, L. (2010). Teach the alphabet in a person with Down syndrome through the use of precision teaching. Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis, 38-47.
- Perini, S., Casarini, F., & Cattivelli, R. (2010). The effects of it can't transport Conditioning Procedures to Increase Appropriate Toy Play and Decrease Stereotypy. Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis, 82-98.
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- Cavallini, F., & Perini, S. (2009). Comparison of teaching syllables or words on reading rate. European Journal Of Behavior Analysis, 10(2), 255-263.
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- Cattivelli, A., Cavallini, F., & Perini, S. (2008). The role of fluency in the competence motor: a preliminary study on the basketball court. Movement, 24(3), 86-93.
- Cavallini, F., & Perini, S. (2008). Disorder, disability, or dis-fluency: The role of fluency in the rehabilitation of cognitive and motor developmental age. Life span and disability, 11(2), 137-150.
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- Cavallini, F., Fontanesi, S., & Perini, S. (2007). Educate and re-educate the writing: the development of fluency with the precision teaching. Italian Journal Of Disability, 7(2), 9-31.
- Cavallini, F., Trubini, C., & Perini, S. (2006). The single subject to the basket. Drawings n=1 for the management and behavior modification competition: an experience in the developmental age. The Developmental Age, 83, 42-52.
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