The Centre Tice in Piacenza has three sites, each with its own peculiarities
Centre Tice Teen
Tice Teen is situated in the historic centre of the city of Piacenza, an area easily accessible by both young and autonomy, which is convenient for families and adults with cars.
The service is intended for teenagers and young adults considered, to a combination of factors and signals, “at risk” of developing a psychological difficulty, or otherwise decrease of its potential for well-being.
Boys at risk of dropping out of school, young, socially isolated or with symptoms of anxiety and depression are just a few examples to describe our users. The goal is to promote individualized, by applying with the discipline and professionalism of a specific intervention multicomponenziale, and aims to improve the skills necessary for their well-being academic, social, and emotional.
Psicologi dell’educazione, psicoterapeuti e giovani colleghi in formazione costituiscono il team di Tice Teen che progetta, a seconda del bisogno, interventi su misura, e implementa i principi della scienza in un contesto allegro e apparentemente destrutturato.
The spaces are designed to recreate a naturalistic contexts of young people's lives, and contact with peers is an advantage capable of fostering motivation and effectiveness. Paths psicoeducativi or psychotherapeutic, when necessary, are based on the principles of cognitive behavioral, as provided by the guidelines on early intervention.
Speak with us
The Director Of The Centre Tice Teen: Valentina Tirelli
Mobile phone: 349 3576939
Centre Tice In The Future
Tice of the Future located in a quiet residential area of Piacenza, and is a real home of the independence and socialization.
The service here it supports adolescents and young adults with special educational needs and fragility in the socialization, for the construction of independence and the design of the future.
The goal is to promote individualized curricula aimed at increasing levels of autonomy, and promotion of the skills necessary for school and/or work. To these objectives, it supports the development of targeted interventions to promote social interactions and significant peer, which will also serve as a bridge to opportunity for socializing accessible on the territory. Tice Future plans also paths for the construction of competence, and the accompanying gradual in the context of work; are developed several start up projects with a social mission that promote the inclusion of youth and young adults in activities that are useful to the development of the community. Finally, psychologists, experts lead sessions of psycho-education of the individual, to promote awareness on the main issues that are evolutionary related to the development.
Speak with us
The Director Of The Centre Tice In The Future: Federica Berardo
Mobile phone: 339 6408830
Centre Tice Kids
Tice Kids is located in a quiet residential area of Piacenza, with plenty of parking and facilities, and public parks nearby.
This is an area of research and intervention for children with and without diagnosis (autism, disabilities and special educational needs) in the range 2-10 years. The service is coordinated by psychologists, educators and other professionals (speech therapists, therapists neuropsicomotricità), and aims to combine pedagogy, educational psychology, and the principles of the science of behavior applied (ABA) with the technological innovation. It offers interventions permissions individual and in a small group, aimed at teaching basic skills such as language, communication , motor skills, play, independence, socialization, prerequisites, school, and the reduction of dysfunctional behaviour, both interventions enhancement of academic skills (reading, writing, mathematics) and/or support in the development of the tasks and activities of the study with the ultimate goal of autonomy, laboratories socialization and literacy emotional. Services are also available for the diagnosis and supervision in vivo and remote for institutions and professionals in the world of education and the school.
Speak with us
The Director Of The Centre Tice Kids: Sara Dobson
Mobile phone: 393 9012463
Centre Tice Correggio
The seat of Correggio, is immersed in nature, in the heart of the countryside of reggio emilia, in an ancient country house beautifully restored.
Surrounded by fields and vineyards, and Correggio is the headquarters of the psychology outdoor in which each of our services has a component of outdoor therapyprovides of outdoor experiences with specific objectives for the development and well-being.
During the redesign and construction of outdoor spaces designed to promoting the welfare of children, children and adults through contact with nature. This redesign is the subject of a Doctoral research in the industrial developed with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, to ensure that the experience can become scientific heritage can be shared.
Thanks to the wide spaces and the characteristics of the structure, in the headquarters of Correggio live together all of our services (Kids, Teen and Future) creating a the place I live and inclusive, that combines the skills and resources of the different professionals and users.
Speak with us
Responsible for: Francesca Cavallini
Mobile phone: 340 0648709