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Sara Andolfi | Manager di sede Tice Kids Piacenza
Bambini - Centro Tice
neuropsicomotricità e aba
Bambini - Centro Tice
Bambini - Centro Tice

Early childhood

  • Intervention A. B. A.
  • Speech therapy
  • Neuropsychomotricity

The child from 0 to 6 years makes important progress in the acquisition of language skills, motor skills, emotional, and relational. In the course of the first three years learning to speak, run, play and relate to others, while, during the three years of kindergarten, prepared for the school, which requires, in addition to the ability to learn, the ability to adapt to the rules and a new and complex relational context. 

For some children, these stages of development are not simple, slow in coming, and all this may worry the parents and families.

In the context of the game, where the relationship with the child is of primary importance, after an observation and an evaluation of your skills, we design and implement pathways to support the developmentin both conditions, diagnostic certificate (Disorders of Neurodevelopment, the Spectrum of Autism, Genetic Syndromes, Disorders of language) both in the presence of specific difficulties.

  • Intervention A. B. A.
  • Speech therapy
  • Neuropsychomotricity

The child from 0 to 6 years makes important progress in the acquisition of language skills, motor skills, emotional, and relational. In the course of the first three years learning to speak, run, play and relate to others, while, during the three years of kindergarten, prepared for the school, which requires, in addition to the ability to learn, the ability to adapt to the rules and a new and complex relational context. For some children, these stages of development are not simple, slow in coming, and all this may worry the parents and families.

In the context of the game, where the relationship with the child is of primary importance, after an observation and an evaluation of your skills, we design and implement pathways to support the developmentin both conditions, diagnostic certificate (Disorders of Neurodevelopment, the Spectrum of Autism, Genetic Syndromes, Disorders of language) both in the presence of specific difficulties.


School difficulties

Bambini - Centro Tice
  • Paths of psychoeducation and Mindfulness
  • Strengthening academic skills
  • Support to carry out the tasks
  • Summer School
We support the primary school children who experience specific difficulties in reading, writing, or calculation, or children who have difficulties most general attention, and/or motivation towards the tasks of a school. Our approach consists of an integrated intervention consisting of interviews, psycho-educational, support to carry out the tasks and the enhancement of academic skills in a ratio of 1:1 and in small group. Each child after an initial assessment is placed in an individual project that aims to enhance the basic skills, build gradually autonomy and the ability to ask for help in case of difficulties. The locations of the expansion of TICE technologies utilizing evidence based as the Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction, that in addition to ensuring an effective improvement of the performance, promote self-esteem and self-efficacy in school. They are also available paths to support the performance of the tasks of school: the professionals TICE learn more about the specific learning difficulties, they are trained in the use of strategies that provide children to learn in a positive, motivating, and towards the achievement of a gradual increasing autonomy, becoming acquainted with the various tools that are compensatory. During the summer, are activated, the paths of the Summer School, which are paths of expansion in the small group and individual, with different laboratories psycho-educational.

Do you THINK that your child is slow TO READ?

the teachers have suggested a rating?


Problem behaviors

  • Intervention Cognitive Behavioral
  • Support parental and Parent Training
  • Training and Supervision at School

Some children struggle to follow the rules that they are given to the adult, and have behavioural difficulties more or less serious. In some cases, it is possible that these behavioral difficulties, to comply with the diagnostic criteria of conduct disorder such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder, and in other cases it is dysfunctional relational modes.

Professionals TICE plan interventions to help children have a greater awareness of their own emotional states and, through the use of strategies derived from Applied Behavior Analysis, interventions are proposed to increase the appropriate behaviors and reduce the occurrence of problem behaviors.

Also, TICE offers paths to support parental (both from an emotional point of view, both strategies are useful in the context of the family) and training and support for teachers and operators.


Emotional difficulties

Many families come to our centres to support their children in the management of emotions. The programs of the psychological Tice are dedicated to all children who experience times of difficulty or feel the need of support to live a complex situation.

Complex events

Our team has developed projects to promote awareness and emotional dialogue in children who are facing complex events 
(the loss or illness of a dear one,
a transfer of a sudden, a trauma staff and/or other events that can disturb the development an active member of the child) 

Empathy and self-esteem

Tice provides each child workshops, and experiential activities 
in a small group, aimed at promoting:

  • self-esteem and self-efficacy
  • empathy and reflection to the other
  • awareness and emotional dialogue 

Difficulties and fears

Since 2006, we support children who have: 

  • fears specifications (dark, animals, or other);
  • stiffness behavioural routines to wake up or in preparation);
  • Embarrassment/shame compared to physical or health issues


Psychologists of Tice offer advice to parents with respect to sensitive issues related to the development of the emotions, activating both pathways live and online to meet the organizational needs of each parent. In this way we support families and children who have any doubts on the development of sexual orientation or gender.
The scientific literature shows that paths psicoeducativi of awareness and knowledge on issues related to sexual development, sexual orientation and gender identity are related to one emotional development of a more harmonious. Have you read our blog, “My son is gay?”. Read more here.


At Tice, we help the children to understand the sexual development and the standards of education in the intimacy to make them aware of the risks seriously, allowing them to identify, in the event, the figures of help. 

Genital stimulation childhood

Babies and children may deal with transitional periods in which the genital stimulation increases the frequency or intensity. At Tice help parents communicate to their children than to the stimulation and support them in an atmosphere of acceptance, in defining social rules and hygienic standards. 

New technologies

Bambini - Centro Tice
  • Paths of Media Education
  • Support parental and Parent Training
  • Training and Supervision at School

Children can use the new technologies in an inappropriate manner, they spend many hours in front of the screen, download the game age-appropriate, or viewing video content violent/inappropriate. 

In our classrooms (live or online), the children can participate in the routes psycho-educational approaches to reduce risk and promote well-being on the line. 

Knowing the risks of inappropriate use of the device technology and learn how to make a proper use, knowing the tool and its potential is an objective growth in a society in which the technologies are becoming more widespread.

Autonomy of life

Some children experience difficulties in the achievement of personal autonomy. The training in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) enables professionals to TICE to develop pathways and projects psicoeducativi individualized to promote. Personal hygiene (brushing teeth, showering) Learn how to use the money outside the home (e.g. in order to compare the snack bar) Sleep alone (learn how to sleep independently) Do short stays outside the home (e.g. participation in summer camps or summer school


The bed-wetting may be a disorder that occurs beyond the age of early childhood. In this case, it is important to detect not only from the point of view of behavioral assessment to reduce episodes of bedwetting, but above all it is important to promote the psychological well-being of the child. For this, TICE, we help children become aware of their disorder and to be able to speak with serenity.


For many children, their families and the encopresi is a personal problem which has effects on many areas of social life and relationships. Our professionals are able to develop training and pathways psicoeducativi able to solve the problem without generating a stigma or embarrassment for the child and in the family.

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Sara Andolfi | Manager di sede Tice Kids Piacenza

The family Tice

Bambini - Centro Tice

To Tice “All families are welcome” for this we support every parent and every family (families reunited, gay, and single-parent) to be aware of, improve relationships and family dynamics, even in times complex.

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